Posts Tagged "backyard"

Bunny Guard

As we were sitting on the back porch, Liz pointed out that this rabbit was pretty content to just sit in one spot. In fact, it was cleaning itself for a long while… but ended up just plopping right there, on the border of our neighbor’s yard.

Liz theorized that this was a momma bunny, and there was a warren nearby she was protecting.


Daisy, Flowers

Daisy has had some “problems” with her hind area, for a while now. Things have gotten a bit out of hand, and tonight we decided to give her a bit of a span night. Mostly, this involved an old litter tray, some warm water, and a butt bath.

As you can imagine, she wasn’t quite happy with us.


Wires and Roses

A little inside work, a little outside work today. I was working with Bob, getting the upstairs HVAC set up, and pulling wires. Liz was out at the garden centers early in the morning, but came back to spend the rest of the day in the backyard.


Found Nestling

We knew it was close, but couldn’t quite tell where. On looking around in our neighbor’s backyard, we eventually found this little guy.


Yard Work, Interior Work

House day today – Liz was working in the yard, and I was inside helping Bob (who was working on our AC/HVAC).

I started the day with a run to Lowe’s to pick up several bags of mulch. But after that, I mostly shot between inside/outside, trying to help out where I could. In both places, Liz and Bob were the primary folks doing the work… and I just tried to assist as best I could.


Backyard Prep

Liz was doing some backyard prep work. The weather has been warmer than usual, earlier than usual… and she felt that putting some mulch down in back seemed appropriate. But incredibly early, compared to prior years.


Slumbering Roses

Liz was out in the yard today, doing some preliminary cleanup. We’ve had a spate of good, warm weather… and though we expect it to get colder soon, she’s been taking advantage of the extra sunlight and the extra warmth.


Early Easter

When I was downstairs this morning, making coffee… I looked out the window, and spotted this portly gentleman just sitting under our arbor.


Backyard Date Night

Tonight, Liz and I broke off house work a bit early… and had a low key date night in the backyard. Nothing fancy, just a small fire at the end of the weekend, before the week starts to get hectic again.


Time for Fall

Every year, I’m reminded of the changing of the seasons when I see the leaves change on my neighbor’s tree. The transition is a striking one – leaves shifting from green to red, a slow announcement that Fall is arriving.