New Favorite Drink: The Cortado

Had some time to kill after work, so I popped in to New Wave Coffee for a little while, working on my upcoming presentation for 20×2 Chicago.

I decided to try a drink I had heard about a while ago, but never got around to sampling: a cortado. It’s espresso with just a bit of milk (in my case, soy) – not quite a full on cappuccino, but just enough milk to cut the bitterness of the espresso (which I honestly don’t mind).

Guys. These things are delicious. I got into a good groove editing photos and listening to this song on repeat for a good while. The only drawback I see to cortados is that I now want to drink like 10 of them in a row.

It was a nice change of pace to be working inside New Wave, instead of my desk at home. Might try to do this a little more, in the coming weeks, when I can squeeze it in.

Coffee is for Closers
Spilling the (Coffee) Beans

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