Christmas in Indy, Day 4: Running Along the Monon Trail, Playing Wavelength, Learning How to Cheat, Christmas Eve Toast

Headed out this morning for a jog along the Monon Trail. Drove into Broad Ripple, parked near a coffee shop, and started putting one foot in front of the other.

Despite the cold, it felt good to be moving again. Just three miles this run, but feels impressive that I could do this… given how little I’ve run in the last two months.

Since nice scenery along the trail, and I can see how it would be really lovely to go longer distances. There were a good number of people out, despite the cold. Some walking, some running. Busy and peaceful at the same time.

After we got done with our run, Liz took this video because she couldn’t stop laughing. Apparently I was really overheated, as I was just standing there and steam was coming off my person.

I guess if you’re watching this, try not to imagine them as cartoon stink lines, yeah?

Later in the evening, after some Chinese takeout for dinner (how American can you get), we settled into the living room for some more games.

We broke out Wavelength, and did a few rounds.

My dad was fairly quiet for the first half of the game. But as he slowly got the rules, you could see and hear him becoming more animated and vocal.

Eventually, he got up to show everyone how easy it was to cheat at the game… just by watching the main person’s eyes, as they were looking at the game piece.

The game sort of fell apart at this point, but we had a fun time listening to my dad’s descriptions.

I guess it stopped being game night, and turned into how to cheat at game night.

Killing a bit of time, making small decorative snowmen.

Closer to midnight. We opted to stay in, instead of going out to midnight service at St. John’s. I miss the ritual and tradition of it (and the singing), but welcomed time with my family… just hanging out.

My parents had brought over some champagne a day or two ago, which may have been for mimosas. But we ended up opening the bottle tonight. My dad wanted a toast, and wanted a family photo… so with a slight bit of balancing on the fireplace mantle, he got his Christmas wish.

Merry Christmas to you all, from Indianapolis.

Christmas in Indy, Day 3: Art Gallery Heist at Escape Room USA
Christmas in Indy, Day 2: Morning Run, Carmel Christkindlmarkt, Binging Ted Lasso
Christmas in Indy, Day 1: Architectural Antiques, St. Joseph Brewery, Thai and Crumbl
Travel Day, Chicago to Indy
Thanksgiving in Whitehall, 2024
Christmas Eve in Indianapolis

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