Wall Prep

Bob, cutting some of the rebar down to size.
Bob, cutting some of the rebar down to size.
As I was checking my phone, Liz kept busy picking up here and there. Her comment was “I guess I’m going to die organizing.”
After work today, Liz and I went for a short walk. There had been rain, we had a little time to kill before needing to make dinner for the bunnies… and we’re altogether way too sedentary. So walk it was.
I left work and walked over to Liz’s office, and got to walk the floor with her one last time. She’s going in again for a final event, but this is likely the last time I’ll be up here.
It’s crazy to think that Liz has been in this office for about 15 years now, at desks in various locations. That’s an incredibly long time.
Liz and I hit it right at 5:00 PM today, after work. We got suited and prepped fairly quickly, and were able to get the short course along the driveway done… as well a full course on the wall along the yard.
You can barely see it in this photo, but we have a dirty trick: we’re using 3/8″ nuts, and placing the between each course of block. This ensures that we’ll have the proper distance between blocks, and serves as a kind of guardrail.
It’s not what the professionals do, but… we are far from professionals. So long as things are consistent, no one’s the wiser.
Liz, mixing up the mortar as Bob gets the blocks in place. I mostly hung out up top, passing along blocks as needed. Both Liz and Bob did the brunt of the work today.
For those of you who remember the original movie “I’m getting a lot of concrete and gravel delivered”… this is the sequel: I’m getting a lot of concrete blocks delivered.
All told, it’s 90 concrete blocks and 12 corner blocks.
Close to the end of the day, we settled back with a drink and some music. And admired that good-looking arbor that someone put in, many months ago.
All told, we used about 70 bags (with 13 leftover). Not too far off, on the original calculations.
Liz and I hauled out the back basement stairs. We’re clearing out this space for a cement pour, and taking these guys out was one of the last steps before we really hit the final stretch.
After work, Liz and I ran off to do a ton of errands on the north side. We hit up both Home Depot and Menard’s, looking to get all manner of supplies for the work under the back deck.
Big day for me and Liz. We got rained out on Friday, and we’ve got plans Sunday… so Saturday was our only day to work. And we had accounted for being able to fill not one, but two Bagsters.
Despite us getting a lot done yesterday, Liz and I both decided on doing some more house work today. Because of course we did. Who needs weekends?
For Liz’s birthday this year, we headed back to a favorite spot: Giant, in Logan Square.
It’s been nearly 5 years since we were there. And the last two birthdays for Liz have been at-home celebrations, due to Covid. So we were looking forward to being out in the world again, albeit a little nervous and hesitant about it all.