Posts Tagged "liz"

Potato Harvest

Rather than grow them directly in the soil, she is uses these specialized bags that allow for a custom mixture of soil (and also allow the water to drain if overfull).


Garden Arbor Construction, Part 15

I’m itching to see the arbor painted, as right now… the white moulding seems just a little chinzy against the natural wood. But since it’s pressure treated lumber (that wasn’t kiln dried afterwards), we need to wait a while until the wood has properly dried out.


Katie and Tim’s Wedding

Tim’s father, Ray, was the officiant who did the marriage all those years ago. He was also the one who officiated last year (when they officially tied the knot). And he was the officiant today, when Tim and Katie were married in front of all their family and friends.

Ray is in the unique position to have married Katie and Tim not once, not twice, but thrice. Which seems like a very special and lucky thing, if you ask me.


Bricks Incorporated

We were able to take several samples home with us, and are narrowing down our options. Luke gave us a lot of his time and guidance, despite the fact that we were (I would imagine) a very small customer, compared to the larger clients and jobs he typically works. He was also incredibly helpful in terms of pricing, and recommendations to keep our costs down.


Front Yard Work

I got to break up the monotony a bit, by helping move bags of mulch up front. While I didn’t have much to show, our front yard looks great again.


Garden Arbor Construction, Part 10

Post-work, finally getting around to installing the arches we cut out.

It’s a bit of a daunting process, us committing to installing these things. Because I feel like I did a really poor job of cutting them out. But we sucked it up and tried to align the pieces as best we could.


Double Take

Found not one but two photos on my phone. Liz continues this terrible habit of snapping photos of me sleeping, and I enable it by posting those photos here.


More Planting

Liz, pointing out the new plants that are in. And the various spots where she found a ton of bricks/rocks. Which appear to be everywhere in our yard, at a certain depth.


After the Storm

The more I looked, the more I realized how much of a custom contraption it seemed to be. A bunch of tubes, duct-taped together, leading into a barrel.


Christiana Lakehouse, Day 4

I had a lot of fun playing ping-pong with both Sebastian and Paige. They’re both quite formidable, and we were all pretty evenly matched.

Liz decided to get in on the phone, and played a few rounds with Paige in the garage.